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Ads: Child care, elderly care

This is category for сhild and elderly care in Shepparton where you can find everything for child, elderly care and any child support or child care in Shepparton. Different kinds of child support agency or child abuse agency in Shepparton. Find free child places in Shepparton at FREEADSAustralia.

Child care, elderly care ads in Shepparton. Thank you for visiting our free advertising website Child care, elderly care, Shepparton section. We provide high response free classifieds and free advertisement. Use our online free Child care, elderly care classifieds placement system to find, list, offer Child care, elderly care online!
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Results found: 2
Nanny Needed for my two kids
22-08-2010 23:43
Offering: Child care, elderly care in Australia, Shepparton ... View detailed ...
Nanny Needed for my two kids

We are looking for someone to get the children ready in the morning, prepare and clear up the family's breakfast, make the beds, and take the children to school, which is about a 1.5km walk away. The Au pair would then need to pick them up at 3.20 and look after them until we get home. We will ask the Nursing assistance/Au pair to babysit 1-2 evenings a week.

10-02-2010 12:09
Wanted: Child care, elderly care in Australia, Shepparton ... View detailed ...

We are great and successful family we only seek a Au pair for basic child care nanny, housekeeper, driver , who are honest and god fearing people, we will be paying 650 British pound per weekly with other allowance of of £100. Hence : BENEFITS Complete private room with private entrance Laptop 24 internet connection DISCIPLINE Drunkenness not allowed.

Results found: 2

Australia free ads for Child care, elderly care, Shepparton, Child care, elderly care free ads Shepparton, Child care, elderly care for sale Shepparton, Child care, elderly care to buy in Shepparton.
Find on this page free classifieds for Child care, elderly care in Shepparton. This listing includes classifieds for sale and to buy in Shepparton. FREEADSAustralia Shepparton offers you a platform to post free advertisements or classifieds for Child care, elderly care in Shepparton. FREEADSAustralia helps you search, find buy, sell, rent or hire in various categories like apartments, goods for sale, local services, cars , jobs and many more in Shepparton.

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