Orgone Energy Miracle Healing Blankets | Orgone Energy Blankets | Orgone Healing Blanket - Shepparton - Health services, beauty services, Shepparton - 641573


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Orgone Energy Miracle Healing Blankets | Orgone Energy Blankets | Orgone Healing Blanket - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 641573 Updated: 01-07-2012 22:22

Price: 219.95 AUD $

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Australia, Shepparton

Orgone Energy refers to the subtle energy body that is part of our being, which gets depleted or disordered by internal and external influences. Bamboo Orgone Energy Blankets work essentially by helping the body to energetically re-integrate itself. Very relaxing indeed! Bamboo Orgone Energy Blankets work essentially by helping the body to energetically re-integrate itself. A Bamboo Orgone Energy Blanket induces the body and mind to rest, recover and rejuvenate. Great for relaxation, meditation, healing and energy healing. If you know about the connection between Orgone and healing, you'll love our Orgone accumulator energy blanket products. You'll notice amazing Orgone changes in the body. Try them today. Because when the body is diseased, it has accumulated too many Positive Ions (the Unhealthy ones). Our Bamboo Orgone Blankets harmonize and neutralize all these Positive Ions as they are Negative Ion Generators (the Healthy ones), bringing the body back into a perfect state of health. Orgone Energy refers to the subtle energy body that is part of our being, which gets depleted or disordered by internal and external influences. Orgone Energy Blankets work essentially by helping the body to energetically re-integrate itself, and is very Relaxing Orgone Energy Blankets work essentially by helping the body to energetically re-integrate itself. An Orgone Energy Blanket induces the body and mind to rest, recover and rejuvenate. Great for relaxation. Orgone Energy Blankets work essentially by helping the body to energetically re-integrate itself. An Orgone Energy Blanket induces the body and mind to rest, recover and rejuvenate. Great for relaxation.

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First name: Karen
Last name: Winter
Phone number: 0358262751
Mobile number: 0405350925
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